Health - Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet
A Plant-Based diet consists of food mainly derived from plants, including seeds, nuts, whole grains, beans, legumes, etc. There are different varieties of plant-based diets depending on what a person chooses to include in his diet. However, when we talk about plant-based diets, it simply means that choosing to include more plant-based foods and reducing animal-based consumption.
The increasing awareness among people about the importance of plant-based diets has shifted the eating habits of people to plant-based meals, while most people turning completely vegan in this process. Undoubtedly, the health benefits of plant-based meals are manifold.
Benefits of a plant-based diet:
Given below are some of the most important benefits of a plant-based diet:
Boosting Immunity
The exclusive nutritional content of plant-based meals; vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants boost immunity in the human body. They help in keeping the cells healthy which in turn contributes to the immune system.
The covid-19 pandemic has proved the importance of a strong immune system for the body to fight against viral infections. Given how this deadly disease is unfolding its multiple waves, the importance of boosting our body’s immune system and anti-bodies cannot be undermined to survive in today’s world. No amount of medicine can do what immunity does for our body.
Improved digestive system
Plants being an ultimate source of fiber ensure high fiber intake thus providing beneficial bacteria in the gut. It results in improved digestion and bowel movement. People suffering from digestive ailments such as constipation, gastric, etc. benefit highly by resorting to a plant-based diet.
Improved blood flow
Plant-based meals ensure increased blood flow in the body because plants allow the blood in our body to remain fluid. On the other hand, animal-based meals make thicken the blood in our body, which slows down the flow of oxygen.
Another reason why animal-based meals can hamper blood flow is constricted arteries. Research indicates that arteries can constrict by 30-40% after a heavy animal-based plant, which results in decreased blood flow. While plant-based meals allow the arteries to open quickly to ensure uninterrupted blood flow.
Reduces inflammation
The antioxidants and high doses of anti-inflammatory compounds found in plants and crops help in reducing inflammation in the human body by neutralizing the toxins generated from various viruses, bacteria, pollution, etc.
Animal-based meals have very low antioxidant content. They have proved to prolong existing inflammation, which has the potential to damage important cells of the body.
Mental health impact
Mental health issues can take a serious toll on our emotional as well as physical well-being.
A research carried out in the US on 10 corporate sites found that a plant-based dietary intervention showed significant improvements in the emotional health of the employees and helped in reducing depression, anxiety, and fatigue. Mental health issues can have far-reaching implications on our life. It affects our ability to think rationally, perform and fulfill personal as well as professional duties, hamper relationships, degrades physical growth, and many more.
Some interesting research pieces have also indicated a slow progressing rate of Alzheimer with the intake of plant-based meals. Visible results were also seen in patients suffering from cognitive impairment and dementia.
Skin health
Antioxidants found in plant-based diets are highly beneficial for maintaining healthy skin by keeping the production rate of collagen at a higher rate. Plant-based diets have also been found to be beneficial towards treating eczema; a rare skin disease.
Weight reduction
Plant-based meals help in fighting obesity and maintain a healthy weight. Obesity solely is the source of many health ailments like cancer, diabetes, etc. Maintaining a healthy weight is an important health factor in today’s world especially for people who have a sedentary work life. Since there is less time for exercise, a plant-based diet can help in effectively maintaining an optimum weight by ensuring lower calorie intake.
Can protect against cancer
The phytochemicals present in plants help to protect against cellular damage and protection against inflammation. A variety of long-term studies suggest that plant-based diets help to protect against breast, gastrointestinal, and prostate cancers. The fiber consumption plays a key role in reducing breast and colorectal cancer.
Reduces risk of cholesterol
Plant-based meals keep your cholesterol levels in check thus reducing the risk of heart attacks as opposed to animal-based meals.
Environmental impact of changing eating habits
The current pandemic and other serious environmental crises call for immediate actions on the part of human beings to reduce carbon footprints. A study carried out at the esteemed Oxford University in 2018 stated that avoiding animal products is the biggest way to reduce environmental impact. This is because more than 80% of the farmland is used for rearing livestock and livestock itself covers 45% of the Earth’s total surface.
Agriculture is one of the main sources of emission of greenhouse gases. If everyone resorts to a plant-based diet, research indicates that only 540 million hectares of land will be used for agriculture as compared to the current usage of 1.5 billion. As a result, the emission of greenhouse gases would drop by 70-80 %. This will also ensure a huge reduction in the usage of water thus solving the water scarcity crisis to a great level.
All this sums up to the fact that a plant-based diet will ensure living longer and better. With fewer health concerns and minimal visits to the doctor, it also ensures peace of mind of being healthy and sound inside out.
We are on a Mission to connect the community through plant-based powered food that is healthy for your body, inspires adventure, and has a sustainable impact on the planet! -Arizona Jerky Co.
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